澳大利亚原产地证FORM A(FA)
货物出口到澳大利亚国家 需要做产地证
只要客人按照 商业发票 提单这些填写正确的就可以了
Certificate of Australian Origin FORM A (FA)
A certificate of origin is required for the export of goods to Australia
It's not difficult. Just fill out the application form and give it to us. We'll provide the application form!
As long as the customer fill in the correct ones according to the commercial invoice bill of lading
We will give you the confirmation after the order is recorded. We will arrange the order upon confirmation.
Some people will ask: handling ordinary certificate of origin is not ok?
Ok: just certificate of origin is the privilege that does not have custom duty, I think the guest of you abroad also does not allow ha ha!
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