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发布时间:2020-08-14 10:23:42


很多国内的创业人士或者是企业 对于全球性的发展也踏出了勇敢的一步

但设立公司的过程中会出现 要把公司的商业文件做大使馆公证是文件合法化
这样企业的合法性才得以公 正!

The English translation

(letter of authorization/resolution of directors/Articles of association) Certified by Indonesian Embassy

Many domestic entrepreneurs and companies have also taken a bold step towards global development

Establish branches abroad: develop business

However, in the process of establishing a company, it will be legalized to make the commercial documents of the company notarized by the embassy

The purpose of an embassy certification is to legalize the document and then establish a local endorsement of the credit

In this way, the legitimacy of the enterprise can be fair!
