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发布时间:2020-08-14 10:32:36

ISO证书是什么? ISO证书科威特大使馆认证
ISO9001认证 是ISO9000族标准所包括的一组质量管理体系核心标准之一。ISO9000族标准是国际标准化组织(ISO)在1994年提出的概念,是指"由ISO/Tc176(国际标准化组织质量管理和质量保证技术委员会)制定的国际标准。

不用做正本文件 一般来讲 正本文件都是工厂自己留着的的

What is an ISO certificate? ISO certificate accredited by the Embassy of Kuwait

ISO9001 certification is one of the core standards of quality management system included in ISO9000 family. ISO9000 family of standards is a concept proposed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1994. It refers to the international standards developed by ISO/Tc176(the Technical Committee on Quality Management and Quality Assurance of THE International Organization for Standardization).

ISO do Kuwaiti embassy certification only need to make a copy near it

There is no need to make the original documents. Generally speaking, the original documents are kept by the factory itself
