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发布时间:2020-09-04 15:39:41

贸促会认证埃及大使馆认证@我 就好了





一般两种都开。形式发票(PROFORMA INVOICE)相当于买卖双方的合同。通常用来双方执行的。

而商业发票(COMMERCIAL INVOICE)一般是用来给客人清关报税用的,通常其金额可以根据客人的需要开小一点方便客人逃税。I have never been clear about the difference between proforma invoice and commercial invoice. I just checked it from the Internet. To study with people who share my confusion.

1. What is the difference between commercial invoice and proforma invoice in foreign trade?

2. If a commercial invoice is given to the customer as a proforma invoice, what are the consequences?

Usually both. PROFORMA INVOICE is the equivalent of a contract between the buyer and the seller. Usually used by both parties.

However, COMMERCIAL INVOICE is generally used for customs clearance and tax declaration for customers. Usually, the amount can be reduced according to the needs of customers to facilitate tax evasion.


形式发票又叫预示发票(P/I)。卖方凭此预先让卖方知晓如果双方将来以某数量成交之后,卖方要开给买方的商业发票大致的形式及内容。是一种试算性质的货运清单。Nothing serious. And to see what invoice your customer needs you will give her what invoice is ok

Proforma invoice is also called predictive invoice (P/I). The Seller hereby gives the seller advance notice of the approximate form and content of the commercial invoice to be issued by the Seller to the Buyer in the event of a future transaction by the parties at a certain quantity. It is a trial freight list.


商业发票(COMMERCIAL INVOICE),是出口商于货物运出时开给进口商作为进货记账或结算货款和报关缴税的凭证。An exporter sometimes, at the request of the importer, issues an informal reference invoice with the name, specification, unit price of the goods to be sold for the importer to apply for an import licence or grant of foreign exchange from the trade administration or foreign exchange administration of his home country. This invoice is called a proforma invoice. Proforma invoice is not a formal invoice, which cannot be used for collection and negotiation. The unit price listed in it is only an estimate made by the importer according to the current situation, and it has no final binding force on both parties. Therefore, proforma invoice is only a form of valuation, and commercial invoice has to be prepared again after formal transaction.

COMMERCIAL INVOICE is the certificate issued by the exporter to the importer when the goods are shipped out, which serves as the receipt for purchase, payment for goods and customs declaration and tax payment.